Home » Industry Info » On 11th December, the market of domestic steel scraps runs smoothly

On 11th December, the market of domestic steel scraps runs smoothly

Although the spot price rise continuously, the price of domestic steel scraps does not rise. The intermediate frequency stoves will be dismantled in the limited time, some steel factories have stopped the production. And it estimates that the price of steel scraps will keep smoothly.

On 11th December, the price of domestic pigs keeps smoothly, and a few factories shows the weak trend. Due to the influence of the haze, the supply and demand of pigs are very weak. The supplier has a weak mind and there is a big bargain space. It estimates that the market of pig iron runs smoothly.

On 11th December, the trend of coke market is stable, and some items decrease. Before the end of the year, the enterprises of the downstream do not purchase goods actively. And the stock of coaking plants increase. In order to recoup funds, the factories have to accept the depreciate requests. It estimates that the price of coke will be in the upper price stable and weak.


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