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2 09, 2017

The grade standard of steel products

By |2 9 月, 2017|Categories: Company News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Steel products always appear different grade in there specification. Different grades represent different standards, the business personnel in CAMELSTEEL summarize some different grade standards used in the communication of clients [...]

10 08, 2017

Galvanized Principle | Galvanized Steel Sheet

By |10 8 月, 2017|Categories: Company News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Galvanized Principle. In the plating tank of galvanized solution, using the to be plated parts after cleaning and special pretreatment as a cathode, and the plating metal as anode. The [...]

11 07, 2017

The features of galvanized steel coils

By |11 7 月, 2017|Categories: Product|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Galvanized steel coils are also the galvanized steel sheets. But people make it in coils in order to transport easily. The difference between galvanized steel coils and common coils is [...]

11 07, 2017

Causes of galvanized steel coil zinc layer fall off

By |11 7 月, 2017|Categories: Product|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Galvanized steel coil is covered with the zinc layer on the steel plates. The electrode potential of metal zinc is higher than that of iron steel. During the atmosphere and [...]

11 07, 2017

Color Coated Steel Coil Related Materials

By |11 7 月, 2017|Categories: Company News|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

With the development of the society, the use of color coated steel coil has been more and more appreciated. But whether people know well with the color coated steel coils' [...]

4 07, 2017

The construction steel industry market condition

By |4 7 月, 2017|Categories: Industry Info|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

When enters June, the construction steel industries has entered the off-season. Due to the rainy days in East China and South China, the business has come across the blocked shipment, [...]

29 06, 2017

Galvanized steel coil market development situation analysis

By |29 6 月, 2017|Categories: Product|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

With the development of the economy and adjustment of industry structure, the galvanized steel coil market demand is great. Meanwhile, the degree of self-sufficiency of national galvanized steel coils could [...]

20 06, 2017

Degreasing process of galvanized plate before galvanization

By |20 6 月, 2017|Categories: Company News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

In order to prevent the steel's surface from corroding and prolong its service life, people coat the zinc on the surface of the steel, and the steel becomes galvanized plate. [...]

12 06, 2017

The effects on steel performance of chemical factors

By |12 6 月, 2017|Categories: Product|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

As the main manufacturer of color coated steel coil, we must know well about the steel performance. And the chemical effects on steel performance is also a very important [...]