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The colour coated steel applied to roofing

The colour coated steel equipment is made from fuselage, pressed mould, pumping station, computer control cabinet, hydraulic shear. The chains are draw by the electromotors. Then it formed by the up and down roller press and the computer control system control its length and numbers. It has a wide usage.

1. Steel structure factory buildings.
2. One-side colour coated steel structure factories.
3. Multi-span steel structure shops.
4. Crane beam plant.
5. Villa colour coated steel office occupancies.
6. Multi-span color coated steel ceiling.
7. Roof layers.
8. Large- span workshops.
9. Lightweight steel construction tents.

The color coated steel roofing is widely used in building industrial and civil architectures, warehouses, special buildings and large span steel structure houses. Besides, it has many advantages, such as great mechanical strength, easily forming, light, anti-knock, rain proof, fire prevention , colorful, maintenance-free and long durability.



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